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Old 06-13-2008, 01:42 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Is everything!
Thumbs up Mini Boat Poker Run ! GAME ON !!!

I have had some inquiries in regards to getting mini boats together to do some boating.

The NJPPC held their Planning Committee Meeting and the idea to invite the Mini Boats to do some Poker Runs was introduced. It was passed unaminously for 15 foot boats and under to run with the scheduled Wave Runner Poker Runs.

Firm dates would be:

Sat June 28th


Sat Aug 30th

We would meet 8:15 am sharp, at the mouth of Kettle Creek, Toms River, NJ.
A brief Drivers Meeting "on the water", then be on our way by 8:30 AM.
Course would run north to the south side of the Mantoloking Bridge and then finish at the west end of the Toms River at the Lobster Shanty where breakfast will be served and prizes awarded. Awards and Breakfast end at 11:00AM. This still leaves you more time for boating or spend time with your families.

A different course may be set up for the August run. We'll know more as time gets closer.

Poker Run Entry Fee: $50.00
Includes 1 Person, 1 Boat, 1 Breakfast and $20 (included) goes towards the Purse

Additional Passenger $30.00

1 year Club Membership is $35.00 which would allow you to all of the other festivities the Club holds throughout the entire year. The hosting club is the New Jersey Performance Powerboat Club and all entry and membership forms can be found on the website: http://www.njppc.com/

Purse is $20 X the number of entries.
Example 30 Entries X $20 = $600

1st Place $300
2nd Place $200
3rd Place $100

You will need to be a NJPPC member to participate.

Here are the photos from last year's 2 events:



Let's hear who would be interested.


Digital Photography one BYTE at a time !
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