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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:rollsmile rollsmile rollsmile
:smiley-with-glasses Smiley With Glasses12 Smiley With Glasses12
:laff laff laff
:dunno dunno dunno
:dyou dyou dyou
:deadhorse deadhorse deadhorse
:uusaflag usaflag usaflag
:nutkick nutkick nutkick
:overreaction overreact overreact
:ev1l danc Evil dance Evil dance
:stirpot stirpot stirpot
:clappingsmile clapping clapping
:bow bow bow
:wall_smiley: Wall Smiley Wall Smiley
:rock rock rock
:smilie_daumenneg: Smilie Daumenneg Smilie Daumenneg
:yessirbow yes sir yes sir
:violent-smiley49: Violent Smiley49 Violent Smiley49
:whiteflag whiteflag whiteflag
:popcorn popcorn popcorn
:Flush: Flush Flush
:thinking-023: Thinking 023 Thinking 023
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:slaps slap slap
:hijacked: Hijacked Hijacked
:reality reality reality
:nudie nudie nudie
:embarrassed-smiley1 Embarrassed Smiley13 Embarrassed Smiley13
:smilie_iek_008: Smilie Iek 008 Smilie Iek 008
:oldoldold oldoldold oldoldold
:lame: Lame Lame
:oops oops oops
:string string string
:respect-040: Respect 040 Respect 040
:quad1 quad quad
:proudtobe proudtobe proudtobe
:wtff wtf wtf
:ban: Ban Ban
:coffee1 coffee1 coffee1
:puckerrr pucker pucker
:43SMILE 43smile 43smile
:booze1: Booze1 Booze1
:busted busted busted
:eagleflag eagleflag eagleflag
:coffee2 coffee2 coffee2
:special special special
:raspberry: Raspberry Raspberry
:iamwithst stupid stupid
:troll22 troll troll
:bullchit bs bs
:swat swat swat
:kisskiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
:shocking shocking shocking
:azzhole azzhole azzhole
:action-smiley-046: Action Smiley 046 Action Smiley 046
:confused: Confused Confused
:party Party Party
:boring boring boring
:ailen ailen ailen
:bluboomte sutphen gun sutphen gun
:fishead: Fishead Fishead
:bsmeter bsmeter bsmeter
::salutetheflag salute salute
:biggun2 machine gun machine gun
:cold1 cold1 cold1
:nnxx nx nx
:cold2 cold2 cold2
:cheese2burger cheese cheese
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:needpics needpics needpics
:hurl2: Puke2 Puke2
:love-smil kiss butt kiss butt
:sSig_offtopic: SSig Offtopic SSig Offtopic
:hititbanana: Hititbanana Hititbanana
:hurl1: Puke1 Puke1
:hammers hammers hammers
:( Frown Frown
;) Wink Wink
:sleepzzz: Sleepzzz Sleepzzz
:action-smiley-033: Action Smiley 033 Action Smiley 033
:captain: Captain Captain
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:cool: Cool Cool
:postwhore postwhore postwhore
:confused: Confused Confused
:irate: Irate Irate
:) Big Grin Big Grin
:test2: Test2 Test2
:duell duell duell
:boomSmili big boom big boom
:devil1: Devil1 Devil1
:snowm skidoo skidoo
:f14 f-14 f-14
:action-smiley-070: Action Smiley 070 Action Smiley 070
:action-smiley-082: Action Smiley 082 Action Smiley 082
:chillpill chillpill chillpill
:test: Test Test
:action-smiley-047: Action Smiley 047 Action Smiley 047
:postwhore2 postwhore2 postwhore2
:gfight gfight gfight
;droolsmile drool drool
:ack2 ack2 ack2
::huh huh huh
::hurray hurray hurray
::party party party
::siphone siphone siphone
:busss under ths bus under ths bus
:demonangle demonangle demonangle
:banghead Beat Head Beat Head
:stainlessbanner southernflag southernflag
:lies lies lies
:action-smiley-081: Action Smiley 081 Action Smiley 081
:digging dig a hole dig a hole




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